Sunday, November 12, 2006

In which I am a turncoat wing

Today was our game versus UMBC on our home field. It was good. I played 8 during our Aside and, as UMBC needed a few extra players for their Bside, I got to play WING again! Admittedly in a black jersey that clashed horribly with my navy shorts, but it was fun. Even if I do have to admit that being a forward is tons more fun.

It was a good last game - the weather was nice, fans come, and we played quite well. We won, but I don't know by how much. My parents were there, too - quite exciting! Especially since they gave me time to go to the social and nap after the game before taking me out to dinner, then went home early enough that I had time to go to Kellie's birthday party.

But Sunday is apparently a rugby day too (practice for the PRU U23s, some place in Virginia?), so I've got to get to bed. Which is boring, but a healing place.

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