Wednesday, November 12, 2008


On Monday I crashed GW's practice to keep my head and body in rugby-mode - I want to be sure I'm prepared for the U23 tournament this weekend. I had enough fun that I'm going again today.

I'm sitting here at work, trying to get a little more work done before I have to leave, but I'm finding it hard to concentrate. I keep bouncing my foot and looking at the clock - is it rugby time yet? Now? How about... now?

And I realize that this is why I'm so committed to rugby. I've been playing for a few years now and been to dozens and dozens of practices, but knowing that in half an hour I'll be out on a pitch (albeit rocky, slanted, and covered in DUCKS), my adrenaline starts flowing and I start getting excited. Because soon, I'll be doing what I love - RUGBY!

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